FindNUS Documentation
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Milestone 3 - Future Features

This page documents our planned extension features to be done for Milestone 3.


  1. User experience
    • Responsive page design for use with mobile and tablet
    • SMS/Email (un)subscription for backend lookout service
  2. Geocoding
    • Implement geocoding with Google Maps API, which translates user input into GPS coordinates
    • Integrate map into application and allow user to view item location and get directions
  3. Application Testing
    • Extend unit and integration testing to cover all components and pages
    • End-to-end testing with Puppeteer to simulate user intertaction with application


  1. Lookout Microservice
    • When a loster submits a lost item, lookup the found database to see which items potentially match the lost item
    • Asynchronously send a ‘possible match’ alert to the Lost user
    • Possible utilisation of a NLP library to optimise lookups for more relevant matches
  2. Security Hardening
    • Add authentication guards to various priviledged endpoints
    • Simple DDoS mitigation logic
  3. Include GPS/Geographical data in Database Schema to assist in Geocoding feature

Extended Documentation

  1. User guide
  2. Developer guide & contribution docs