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Milestone 2 README

This is the docusite for FindNUS Milestone 2 (Orbital).
We arranged and tagged (the feedback question number) in this README to fit closely to the evaluation form, for your convenience.

Table of Contents

Important Milestone 2 Links

1. Acceptance Testing

Please head over to the FindNUS live site to test the site out!


This are the core features we have implemented and tested in Milestone 2.

  • Stupidly Easy Searching
    • Typo-resistant
      e.g. “Water bottle” and “W4tr botl” will return the correct item
    • Human Querying
      No need to specify Category = Cards and fumble around with filters. Typing in anything will return relevant results, similar to Google search.
  • Item peeking on home page (view recently submitted items by descending date)
  • Item filtering by category for both searching and peek
  • User dashboard: View user-uploaded (lost) items, profile
  • Item submission logic (both found and lost items): Drag and drop to upload image, dropdown menu to select various fields
  • Form field validation for item

Existing Milestone 1 features

  • SMS login
  • App routing
  • Protected routing

2. Features for Milestone 3

You can find the planned featureset here.

3. UIUX and Testing

We document user testing and code testing here.

4.3 Technical Documentation

We document our key technologies and intergration here.

4.5 Software Engineering Practices

We document our SWE practices here.